Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tax Cuts for the Rich

OK, let me just say this once. I am SICK TO DEATH of the democrat party's standard line that the poor middle class in this country pays too much tax. Not only is it misleading, it is a blantant LIE. That's right, the democrats are lying to you about how much income tax the "rich" pay.

Did you know that the top 50% of tax payers pay 96% of income tax? Bet ya didn't, because you'd then know that lo and behold the democrat party has been lying to you! Here's a couple of articles with links to sources:


There are some pretty graphs on this one for those of you who like pictures:


And you can't forget about the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). That credit virtually ensures anyone making less than 20K a year not only pays no tax, but also receives money from nanny government.

So the next time some idiot tries to tell you the rich don't pay their fair share, just send them one of those links. However, don't expect it to change their mind. The democrats' have invested a lot of time and money into their BS class warfare crap. Convincing people that it is false will never happen.

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