Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tax Cuts for the Rich

OK, let me just say this once. I am SICK TO DEATH of the democrat party's standard line that the poor middle class in this country pays too much tax. Not only is it misleading, it is a blantant LIE. That's right, the democrats are lying to you about how much income tax the "rich" pay.

Did you know that the top 50% of tax payers pay 96% of income tax? Bet ya didn't, because you'd then know that lo and behold the democrat party has been lying to you! Here's a couple of articles with links to sources:


There are some pretty graphs on this one for those of you who like pictures:


And you can't forget about the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). That credit virtually ensures anyone making less than 20K a year not only pays no tax, but also receives money from nanny government.

So the next time some idiot tries to tell you the rich don't pay their fair share, just send them one of those links. However, don't expect it to change their mind. The democrats' have invested a lot of time and money into their BS class warfare crap. Convincing people that it is false will never happen.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Illegal Aliens

It is my belief - regardless of how much our country "needs" the cheap labor they provide - that illegal aliens need to be removed from this country. Any good that the honest hard-working illegals do is counteracted many times over by the bad ones. MY case in point is this Alianiss Nunez Morales bitch (or whatever her name turns out to be) that hit a school bus and killed four kids and injured many more:


Four lost lives, families grief stricken, many other children injured. The cost of this incident alone runs in the multi-million dollar range, and truly you can't put a price tag on a life.

As for the illegal woman, rather than wasting any more tax payer dollars on her she should be dropped over the Mexican border with a bullet through her head. Let them deal with their own garbage.

In the mean time, to hell with the freaking fences. Let's get some armed forces on the mexican border and shoot any living thing that crosses. That'll give them something to think about before they cross into the US.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Fuck the MPAA

Check out the latest from our fabulously bloated government:


That's right. College is overpriced as it is. Now we're going to add more to the cost of obtaining higher education simply because a huge corporation wants something to fix their dying business. I can't believe the morons in congress let this slide. If this isn't a heads up that the US government is seriously screwed up, I don't know what is.

Rather than attempt to figure out how to fix their ailing sales, they would rather sue people who download or provide for download their copyrighted material. All the lawsuits and legislation in the world is not going to fix a business going down the shitter. Congress needs to flip the bird at the MPAA and the RIAA and stop their tyrannical lawsuits.

And my guess is you're going to help our government continue to be unaccountable for its actions by voting Republicrat or Democan this November. And you'll probably vote against one candidate rather than voting for another. If people in this country could get past the notion that voting third party is a wasted vote we could affect some real change as the powers that be would realize they could no longer lie their way into office.

Remember, a vote for a third party IS NOT a wasted vote

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Great Social Security Scam

So I received my annual report from the welfare program that the government calls "Social Security". The report details exactly how much the government plans on screwing me out of my own money so they can give it away to others who didn't plan properly for their retirement. In celebration of this joyous occasion I have updated my SSA Fleece application. You can find it here.

When you realize how much money is flowing through this bloated bureaucracy, perhaps you'll realize how awful a system it really is.

According to my calculations my employers and I will pay close to $340,000 into the system during my lifetime (assuming my current yearly wage stays static and I work until age 62). Earning even a 4% interest rate this amounts to over $1,000,000 by the time I reach age 70. According to my SSA document if I start receiving benefits at age 70, it will take 34.88 YEARS for me to recover this amount of money.

All I can say is wow.