Friday, January 9, 2009

Teens and technology

OK, so I ran across the following website:

that has a study of people ages 13-26. It made all sorts of fascinating findings about how many of these people had posted or IMed nude images (or sexually suggestive text) of themselves to others.

I'm not going to claim that it doesn't happen but I'm going to explain my own personal experience with these surveys.

I filled out all sorts of surveys in middle school and high school. I would claim all sorts of crazy crap about myself. I did drugs daily (never touched them). I would drink and drive (didn't drink). I had sex with a different person at least once a week (I was a virgin). Etc, etc. None of it was true, I just thought it was funny.

Looking back I probably should have been honest. But really who cares?

So how many of these kids are being honest? Doesn't really matter. Just make sure you teach your kids about the perils of doing stupid stuff and hope they listen to you. It's the best you can do.

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