Monday, August 25, 2008

Vote for Change - Vote third party

This time two years ago I sent out an email encouraging everyone to at least consider voting third party. Two years ago this country overwhelmingly elected Democans into the Congress, and guess what? We have more of the same-old same-old in Washington. The Democan controlled congress has done little more than talk, while gas prices, inflation and food prices have gone through the roof. Congress's approval numbers have slipped to record lows.

And the Democans want us to believe that their candidate can change all this (he's pro-change - whatever the hell that means)? Wha? Oh really?!?

And the Republicrats want us to believe that their candidate will lower the deficit and not be a spend thrift like his cousin GWBush! Wha? Oh really?!?

Two years ago I asked you to consider voting third party. Right now I ask you to consider it again. Don't be hoodwinked another year by the powers that be in Washington. Send a message that your vote counts and that you'll no longer stand for their corrupt, wasteful ways, or their lying and bloviating and outright contempt for the American people. Send the message that you want change, not change from a Republicrat to a Democan, but true change that can only come from new fresh ideas, not watered down same-old politics.
A vote for a third party candidate is never wasted. In fact it is the only way for us as a country to affect real change. Send your message to the ruling parties in this country in November. Remember, the only truly "wasted" vote is a vote "against" another candidate.

I have attached below links to the four major third party candidates for president in 2008. I encourage you to read about each of them, and resolve this year to vote for the candidate that best matches your ideals. If that turns out to be a Republicrat or Democan, so be it. But at least be knowledgeable about what else is out there.

Don't believe me that voting 3rd party is not wasting your vote? Review the following:

If you want hard numbers and math doesn't scare you, take a gander at this link:


Libertarian Candidate:
Robert Barr

Green Party Candidate:
Cynthia McKinney

Constitution Party candidate:
Charles Baldwin

Natural Law Party Candidate:
Ralph Nader

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