Thursday, December 20, 2007

$4800 iPhone bill

$4800 iphone bill
Current mood: working


While I hate cell phone companies I don't quite feel sorry for this guy for two reasons:

1. Didn't completely understand what he was doing, nor what the iphone does, yet he owns three

2. He bought not one, but three overpriced pieces of hardware of which he probably uses .02% of its functionality

This quote says it all:

"They have periodic updates on their data files, and they translate into megabucks," Levy said. "This is akin to your bank having automatic access to your ATM machine and is siphoning money out during all times of the day and night without your knowledge."

No, Jay, it's really not like that at all. What it IS like is a moron with too much money and too little sense whining because he's not a properly informed consumer. No wait that's exactly what it IS. Boo f-ing Hoo. Pay your bill, shutup and appreciate the lesson learned.

As a side note, you might check out Maddox's commentary on the wonderful, fabulous iPhone:


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